I moved to Pennsylvania to pursue an incredible job opportunity and love interest. Within my first week here Eric and I went to Provincetown, MA for Bear Week. I met some really cool people, some I've been waiting to meet finally, and had a somewhat good time. During the events I felt like Eric and I were met with a lot of hostility. We would go to the pool parties and get dirty looks. I think it had to do with how attractive Eric is and all the jealous bears that want him but seem to understand why he's with me. We brushed it off and had a great time. As usual, I got a pretty bad sunburn and was uncomfortable the majority of the trip. It was a nice break from the usual scenery of everyday life.
In other news, I crashed my new bike. I was out riding yesterday and was in a wide, sweeping left curve when the opposing driver went wide in his lane. To avoid a head-on collision, I straighten the bike out and hit the shoulder/gravel. The front end washed out and I hit the pavement, along with my bike. My suit got a few more scuffs on it and the left side of my bike is scratched to hell. By the time I picked up the bike, which weight a lot laying flat, and started it the driver was gone. The left mirror snapped off and most of the plastic on the left side has scratches on it. I called the dealership and it's going to cost around 700-800 to order new ones. When I take it in for service tomorrow morning, I'll probably just order them then.
Life is going okay. There are some things I need to address pretty quickly before they fester into something more serious. I miss California at times, to be honest. There are still residual feelings for Sean that I know will pass. I felt the same way about Kevin when I first moved out to Livermore when I was 19. I fear that this small town may be too small for me. Livermore was nice because it was still big enough to have things to do but was quieter than San Francisco.
I plan to post in this one as frequently as the last. To my surprise, a lot of people like to hear what's going on in my life so I can't let them down ;-).